Poster Walk Options


The SOHO 2024 Poster Walks are scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2024,from 6:15 to 7:30PM during the Welcome Reception and Poster Session. Designated Poster Walk leaders will guide a group of attendees to view the top posters in a specific disease category. The Poster Walks will feature a brief overview of the selected poster, including an interactive question-and-answer period between your group and the poster presenter and moderated by the Poster Walk leader.

Poster Walk participants will meet in front of the Young Investigator Lounge in Hall B3.

Space is limited to 20 spots for each Poster Walks.

Instructions for Previously Registered Attendees


For attendees who have already registered for SOHO 2024:

1. Click back into your registration at and "modify registration"

2. Go to the Agenda page at the top on page 3

3. After Session Selections you will see a drop down for Poster Walk Selections.

4. Select the Poster Walk you would like to attend

5. Press "Continue" twice to add the Poster Walk to your schedule and complete the registration

Poster Walks


ALL Poster Walks

Partow Kebriaei
ALL-01  |  Partow Kebriaei, MD
ALL-02  |  Bijal Shaw, MD

AML Poster Walks

AML-03  |  Martha Arellano, MD
Jeffrey Lancet
AML-04  |  Jeffrey Lancet, MD

CLL Poster Walks

Florence Cymbalista
CLL-05  |  Florence Cymbalista, MD, PhD
Jennifer Brown
CLL-06  |  Jennifer R. Brown, MD, PhD

CML Poster Walks

CML-07  |  Delphine Rea, MD, PhD

Lymphoma Poster Walks

Matthew Lunning
Lymphoma-11  |  Matthew Lunning, DO
Lymphoma-12  |  Jason Westin, MD

MM Poster Walks

MM-13  |  Thomas Martin, MD
MM-14  |  Sagar Lonial, MD

MDS Poster Walks

Rami S. Komrokji, MD
MDS-15  |  Rami S. Komrokji, MD
MDS-16  |  Valeria Santini, MD

MPN Poster Walks

MPN-17  |  Prithviraj Bose, MD
MPN-18  |  Laura Michaelis, MD